The Cast of Cooks

Just like Remy from Disney Pixar’s Ratatouille needed his cast of cooks, so do I when it comes to writing. These are the people in my life that vibrantly flavor my writing. My family and friends who bring advice and companionship. For those who have clicked links to ‘The Cast’ over on Escaping the Inkwell, this is been long in the making and now my ‘cast’ has its home here finally.


Bright Aspens and Me for WP

More current as of 2018

Kate.  Me. You can read most of my minor bio on the About page, but well, I am the writer here. 🙂





Mrs. B WPMrs. B is my mother.  I have called her Mrs. Day in the past because she sometimes reminds me of Doris Day. She is one person I bounce almost all emotional issues off of. Cook, grower, retired nurse, she has a lot of strengths I do not have.



Mr. B WPMr. B. is my father. I have called him Walter over on Escaping the Inkwell because he is kind of grouchy like Jeff Dunham‘s ‘Walter’ character. Practical, passionate, grouchy, yeah, that’s Mr. B.



Boris cigarBoris.  Ah Boris. A wealthy, fascinating, older playboy, Boris is my… well, I’m not sure how to describe him other than to say he is a very important person in my life. He my muse and silent supporter in writing. Quite matter of fact and determined to have his way, he carries a XS-214 double barrel ray gun and I think he might be a golf playing super spy. I could wax poetic about him and I do. He is an addiction I can’t live without and he means the world to me.  And in 2018, just three days after his 55th birthday, I lost the dear man to cancer.  Life will never be the same without him.


The Ladies.  Basically everyone in my writing circle fits into this category. Without them my life would be seriously lacking. Some of the main people I mention from time to time are Dona, Mel, and Sera, though I must add in Les and G.E.


Lucifer, or Sampson. I use both interchangeably. He is my semi boss and inspiration for a lot of angst that started on the 23rd of December, 2017. He’s the devil in disguise, a bad boy, a charming flirt, a chef. He has the arrogance of, well, the devil, and he uses it to his advantage. He doesn’t have an angel on his shoulder, not even remotely, but most definitely his own extra little devil that make my angel swoon. I have to keep waking her up… when I’m not swooning myself. If you thought Boris made my heart race; he had nothing on Lucifer.


10537093_10203552974719108_8318959907824014652_nJules.  Or Mrs. Austen.  My first girl friend and best girl friend and longest friend. We’ve been friends since five years old when we were shy girls in Sunday School.  She’s the practical one. The mother, the wife, the teacher. We live off our letters back and forth and I think we have become like Kate and Cecelia from the Patricia Wrede and Caroline Stevermer books. She blogs over at The Hallway Initiative



  DB. My sister and friend. One year older but born with Downs Syndrome so she will always be a child at heart.  Needless to day, I can still joke about Alice in Wonderland, she knows Harry Potter backwards and forwards, and we still have our own private jokes. Sometimes we are hilarious.



Mimi looking very Alice in Wonderland-y WPMims. All I can say is when the two of us get together, the talking never stops, and frequently it can get out of hand. She adds Flavor to my writing and my life.

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